At Ormeau State School, we teach, assess and report on the Australian Curriculum from Prep to Year 6.
The Australian Curriculum is designed to help all young Australians become:
- successful learners
- confident and creative individuals
- active and informed citizens.
It sets out the knowledge, understanding and skills needed for life and work in the 21st century. The Australian Curriculum establishes common standards and high expectations of achievement, across the nation.
The eight Key Learning Areas are:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Health and Physical Education,
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- The Arts
- Technologies
- Languages.
Through effective implementation of the Australian Curriculum, we at Ormeau State School:- provide students with the required curriculum
- assess, monitor and capture student achievement
- set high expectations for each student and respond effectively to their current levels of achievement and differing rates of learning
- prepare students to exit schooling with the foundation for successful lifelong learning and participation in the community
- keep parents and students informed of the student's achievement throughout their schooling.
Our students here at Ormeau State School have had a huge year of learning by engaging in English, Mathematics, Science, Health and Physical Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, The Arts, Technologies and Languages. In each learning area or subject, content descriptions specify what young people will learn, and achievement standards describe the depth of understanding and the sophistication of knowledge and skill expected of students at the end of each year level or band of years.
Our school values and recognises the benefits of releasing teachers as a year level team, to collaboratively plan and develop engaging units of work. We have two Head of Departments to facilitating these planning days throughout the year, and it is a credit to our school to see how enthusiastic and passionate our teachers are when designing and creating units of work.
At Ormeau State School we are connected with our students, families, teachers and the wider community. We see all students as individual learners and differentiate our teaching to support students to learn and have success. This ensures every student's right to access and participate in the curriculum, leading to continuous improvement in student learning and achievement.
Each term, teachers send home a parent overview of what students are learning to ensure parents are kept informed and connected to our classroom learning. Parent/teacher interviews are offered twice a year, although parents are welcome to request to meet with teachers anytime over the school year. At Ormeau State School, report cards are issued twice a year, using evidence of student performance, based on the overall level of achievement for each learning area.
Our teachers in action! Mr Howlett, Mrs Goodlock and Mrs Laing are teaching writing lessons.