Research states that the use of technology can enhance the learning and engage students into their learning.
Information Communication Technologies (ICT) are incorporated into lessons where possible. ICT can also be used to develop logical thinking, problem solving and increase productivity and also to give confidence and the capability to use ICTs in later life.
Our vision for the use of technology at OSS is for active creation rather than passive consumption.
eLearning@Ormeau State School enables our learners to:
Personalise their learning through through access to rich learning resources.
Develop knowledge and skills necessary for the 21st century workforce, including digital-age literacy, innovative and creative thinking, effective communication and high productivity.
Continuously access educational materials allowing learning efficiency to happen anywhere, anytime outside of the traditional 9-3.
Participate in an engaging, interactive environment for learning.
Strengthen links between home and school by providing transparent communication on student learning and learning outcomes.
In the eLearning iPad Program, we aim to establish an environment and a relationship with students where they can feel safe, comfortable and are able to be encouraged to push themselves to the best of their abilities in all learning areas.