Prep is the first year of school for your child. It is a non-compulsory, full-time program that runs five days per week. Your child is expected to attend full-time in order to get the most from the Prep year.
Age is the only criterion for enrolment in the Prep year for Queensland children. Your child must be five by 30 June in the year they enrol in Prep. To find out when your child is eligible to enrol in the Prep year - CLICK HERE.

Getting to know our new students and their families
It is now easier for new families to share their child’s Kindergarten transition statement with the school.
The statements are a great way for our Prep teachers to get to know the children in their class before the first day, so they can prepare to welcome them and plan for their ongoing learning and development.
Kindergarten teachers, parents, carers and children develop transition statements together near the end of the kindy year. The transition statement is a snapshot of each child’s strengths, interests and learning through kindergarten.
Families will receive their child’s transition statement with the transition statement parent/carer consent form. By signing the form parents and carers can now give their consent for transition statements to be forwarded to a child’s new school and outside school hours care service directly from kindergartens.
We will be in touch with local services to ensure our email address is known to the kindergarten teachers to receive the transition statements.
Watch this video for more information about Kindergarten transition statements.
For more information about the new transition statement consent form visit the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority website.
By working together we can support a great start to school for all Queensland children.
The Department of Education has lots of information and resources on The Early Years Count website to support you and your child during this major milestone.
Kindys can email transition statements directly to: transitions@ormeauss.eq.edu.au