Our students are divided into four Houses; Acacia (Yellow), Banksia (Green), Grevillea (Red) and Jacaranda (Purple). Each house has its own unique War Cry which is sung before our House events. The War Cries are led by the Year 6 House Captains.
“Eagle, eagle flying high
Dropped a letter from the sky
What did that letter say?
Acacia's going to win today!"

“Turn up the radio
What do you hear?
Banksia, Banksia
Give us a cheer,
We're gonna beat 'em, bust 'em, that's our custom
Goooooo Banksia!"

“We are the team of the red triangle,
Every team we beat we mangle,
Rah, Rah, stick 'em in a jar,
Go, Go Grevillia!"

“Sliding down a waterfall,
Landing on a cactus,
We know the other teams need more practice,
We're rough, we're tough
We're hard to beat,
Come on Jacaranda, lift those feet!"

Cross Country:
The OSS Cross Country takes place around the end of Term 1. The track takes the students outside the school grounds, through the parklands and back up onto the school oval. The top five students from Years 4-6 qualify for the Beenleigh Zone Cross Country.
11 & 12 Year Olds = Full Course 2.2kms
9 & 10 Year Olds = Oval and Bush Track 1.5kms
Years 2 & 3 = Oval and Bush Track 1km
Year 1 = Bush Track 750m
Prep = Oval and Multi-Purpose Court = 400m

Our Athletics Carnival runs for 3 days in Term 2. The days are divided into a Year 5 & 6 day, a Year 3 & 4 day and a Prep – Year 2 day. Senior students can qualify for the Beenleigh Zone Athletics Carnival.

The school Swimming Carnival is held late in Term 4 off campus. Senior students can qualify for the Beenleigh Zone Swimming Carnival which is held in early Term 1 the following year.

Gala Days:
Students in Year 5 and 6 are offered the opportunity to represent our school at Gala Day tournaments. These competitions see Ormeau SS compete against a number of schools from the Zone. Gala Days run for five weeks in Semester One and five weeks in Semester Two. The sports on offer are Rugby League, Soccer, Netball, Touch Football, Basketball, Softball, Cricket and Futsal.

Zones and Districts:
Students who achieve strong results in our Cross Country, Athletics and Swimming Carnivals have the opportunity to represent our school at the Beenleigh Zone and Pacific District Carnivals. If they progress through these events, they may be selected to compete at the South Coast and even State events!
Students with club or representative experience are invited to trial for Zone and District sports teams. A large number of sports are available. For information on how to nominate, students can contact the HPE teacher. Follow the link below for trial dates and information or search “Pacific District School Sports" on Facebook:

Stand-alone Tournaments:
Throughout the year, Ormeau SS participates in a number of stand-alone tournaments such as the AFLQ Schools cup, NFL Flag, various Rugby League and Touch Football Tournaments and even some eSports competitions, just to name a few!

Sporting Schools:
Sporting Schools is an Australian Government funded initiative designed to help schools increase children's participation in sport and connect them with community sport opportunities. Sport helps children to make friends, develop new skills, build confidence and improve their fitness. It can also help children to learn about teamwork and how to win and lose gracefully.
Keep an eye out, as our school regularly offers sports programs provided by Sporting Schools, before, during and after school with the intention of giving students a chance to participate in sports that they may not always have access to. Students have enjoyed learning new skills in sports such as Golf, AFL, Netball, Basketball, Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball, Touch and Soccer. Programs are offered free to students and are run by trained sporting coaches.