Our school Pledge
I am a safe, respectful learner.
I make meaningful connections with classmates, community and curriculum.
I uphold the values of Ormeau State School.
We help each other to do our best!
We want an Ormeau child to be happy, to be a competent learner, to be a confident member of the school community, to have faith in his/her teacher and to feel sure of the teacher’s regard and interest.
To achieve all this we set rules and goals which are attainable and, to the student, sensible. Our teachers actively seek out evidence of bullying in any form and act strongly to resolve any such situation. All at the school are proud of its attainments, of our pupils’ appearance, and of the parents who have worked so hard with us to create students who fully achieve their potential.
The most important sign of the healthy life of a school is found in its curriculum. The curriculum is under constant monitoring and evaluation.